Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday, April 6

Happy Monday, my scholars!

Pray the Our Father before you begin your day.

Morning Powwow
Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.
How will you and your family spend this week as you prepare for Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday)?

We will have two tests this week: Science and Spelling

Reading - Go on Epic (or another source or book) and choose a short story to read. Email me a one paragraph summary (6 to 8 sentences) about the story (think about what happens in the beginning, middle, and end). Include information about the main character and the setting.

Math - Some of you still have not completed your IXL assignments from last week and/or the SeeSaw activity from Friday. Please use today to get caught up. If you have finished all of your assignments, thank you!

If you’ve finished your work, practice your math skills in Splash Math or Prodigy for about 20 minutes. If you’re stilling learning your multiplication facts, use flash cards or Cave Run. 

Religion - 

Working with a classmate or small group, complete page 223, Unit 4 review. It’s open book. Do not tear the page out. 

Science - Study your science vocabulary words. We won’t have a unit test, but instead will have a test over the vocabulary words only. The test will be Wednesday. 

Grammar - Complete the grammar workbook page 86 —  I emailed it to you. You can print it or write the answers on notebook paper. Be sure to label the paper.

Handwriting - There will be no handwriting this week.

Spelling - Continue to study your words. We will have a test tomorrow (Tuesday). If a parents wants to give you a pre-test and you get a 100%, you don’t have to take the test tomorrow. 

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