Sunday, April 19, 2020

Monday, April 20th

Joyous Monday, 3G scholars!

Pray the Our Father before you begin your day.

Morning Powwow
Have you finished your Easy CBM testing? If you haven’t please finish it by Friday of this week. 
Today we’re going to participate in another National Geographic Explorer at 10am. This time it’s about SHARKS! 
I’ll post the link in the blog like I did last week. Hope to see you at 1pm in the National Geographic Explorer Classroom! 

Reading - April/May RQ book. Choose your RQ for the end of April/May. You can either read the book and take an RQ quiz OR write a book report. The template for the book report is in your reading packet. You do NOT have to do both. If you need to know whether your book has an RQ quiz, go to RQ (link is in the right hand column) and click on FIND a BOOk. If there is no RQ quiz, write the book report. It will be due Thursday, May 14th. 

Starting reading your RQ book today: Read for at least 20 minutes. 

Math - Missing Operations
Text book page 446 & 447. Read page 446 and watch my Doceri lesson. 
With Missing Operations (-, +, X, or division), you don’t solve the problem. You have to figure out which operation was used to solve the problem. You will use critical thinking skills and math strategies. 
After watching the video, you will complete 17 - 48, EVEN only on page 447. 
I’ll post the answer later today. 

Science - Chapter 15 Patterns in the Sky. 
First, watch the video about the Earth’s rotation and revolution. 
Next read pages 426 - 427. You may do a small group or partner read on Hangouts. 

Religion - Chapter 17 Happiness with God
Read pages 234 -235. Complete the activity on page 235. Highlights will be posted on the blog. 

Grammar - Adverbs.
Complete workbook pages 89 & 90 for review. The test on adverbs will be tomorrow. I’ll post the answers to the workbook pages on the blog tomorrow so that you can check them. If you have any questions, please email me or see me in Hangouts. Do NOT tear out the workbook pages. 

Handwriting - Start your new bible verse. It’s due Friday. Do NOT forget to write the Bible verse on a separate piece of paper. Some of you turned in Handwriting without writing your verse in cursive. 

Spelling - Continue to study your words. The test will be on Thursday in Hangouts at 10am. 

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