Sunday, May 3, 2020

Field 2020!!!!

I can’t believe I didn’t realize that Friday would have been our field day!!!
I’m so sorry everyone. 

BUT that doesn’t mean that today can’t be field day!!!!

So NO CLASS TODAY or scheduled Hangouts.

Instead, here are some ideas for games you can play with your family. You can also time yourself and take measurements to complete with your classmates.

Post times, measurements, and pictures on the 3G Hangout.

Have a fabulous day of play and know that I am there with you in spirit, my sweet scholar athletes!

Spoon and egg race. How fast can run without dropping the egg?  To make it even more challenging, hold the spoon in your mouth. Be careful and make sure a parent is helping you. 

Do you have a pool noodle, pipe cleaners, or something else you can make into a ring shape? If so find a stick or something long to put in the ground. Ring toss!!! How far away can you go and still capture the ring? Ask a parent to help you set it up. 

If you have a pool noodle, have an adult cut in lengthwise to make a track for your Hotwheels. 

Use sidewalk chalk to create an obstacle course. 

Do you have an old tarp? Ask an adult to cut different shapes and assign a value. Try to throw a ball through the shapes to earn points! 

If you have extra cups, stack them in the shape of a pyramid. Through a ball to see how many you can knock down. You can also write points on each cup to see what your score is!

What other cool games can you think of? 
Share your ideas on the 3G Hangouts. 

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