Thursday, September 10, 2020

Today’s Special class: Art: 

Groups C (1:30pm - 1:50pm) & D (1:50pm - 2:10pm). 

Class work: If you did not finish any work from this week, please finish it today. I checked Classroom, and there are many of you who did not turn in your Religion assignment. It’s a grade. 

Also, make sure all your written assignments are in your Take Home folder. 

Have you finished your Social Studies geography work? 

Phonics HO p. 13? 

Main idea and supporting details graphic organizer? 

Math workbook page 7 and 8? 

Late Work reminder: If your work is one day late, it’s -10 points. Two days, it -20, and after three days, it’s a zero. 

Please keep up with your work. 

Here is your work for today: 

Reading: Main Idea and Supporting details

Class work: Quiz over Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth. The quiz is in Classroom, Reading, in Forms. It's open book. 

Due date: today

Spelling and Phonics: Long Vowel Digraphs. 
Class work: 
Continue to study your spelling words. The pre-test will be next week. 
Phonics handout (HO) page 13. The PDF is in Classroom. 
Due date: Today

Grammar:  Types of sentences: Exclamatory and Imperative
Class work: In Classroom, there is an assignment for you to write one paragraph. It was must have at least one exclamatory and one imperative sentence. 
Your paragraph should be at least six (6) sentences. Use correct capitalization and punctuation. 
Due date: today

Class work:  Work on your weekly IXL assignment in Classroom. 
Due date: Monday 

Social Studies: Geography lesson 
Class Work: Read Landforms in Epic. Complete the Google Forms (Exit ticket) assignment in Classroom. 
Due date: today 

Thursday’s assignment: Seven of you have not turned in your class work from yesterday. Please complete it today since it’s a grade. 

Class work: Say an extra prayer for all those who are sick or suffering, especially those who died on Sept. 11, 2001 in New York City. 

Due date: today 

Handwriting: Cc and Dd
Class work:  Practice Cc and Dd. 
Due date: Tuesday, Sept. 15th

Due date: Monday: Math, Language Arts (LA), and Social Studies 

SURPRISE: Go to Classroom, Homeroom. 
Check out the virtual Classroom for a fun surprise. 
Happy Friday! 

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