Friday, August 30, 2019

Math Activity

Students worked in teams to create their Rounding Banners, where they identified benchmarks for rounding the hundreds place, expanded form, and standard form. Then they presented their work to the class and took a gallery walk.


IXL due Monday

There is no school on Monday. Have a safe weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Spelling - test
Math - Place Value in Khan Academy. Keep practicing!

Scholastic book orders are due!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Handwriting - p. 11 & 12. If you haven't finished it, it's due tomorrow.
Khan Academy - work for 10 minutes in 2nd Grade/PLACE VALUE (correction).
The log in is also in the right hand column. Your log in is in your planner. 

TEST UPDATE: the test over Boom Town has been moved to next week.

Partner Read

We read Boom Town with a partner. If we got stuck on work, we used the dictionary, except for some very old-fashioned words in the story, like schoolmarm.

Math Centers

We’re wrapping up place value and rounding, so before the big test next week, we’re practicing what we’ve learned in centers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blended Learned

We had our first blended learning rotation today. Students worked in various activities, ranging from math to writing, while each group took turns meeting with me in small group to practice our dictionary skills.

Handwriting Expert

Today Lio was the handwriting expert, so it was his job to help students with their Is and Os.

Recess Shenanigans!


Spelling - pre-test  (I hope you've been studying a little every night)
Math - p. 47     #11 - 30  (odd only). We did four of them together for practice.
Grammar - test over exclamatory (!) and imperative (.)  sentences

Monday, August 26, 2019


Grammar - plural nouns worksheet
Math - p. 47 #1 - 10, even only

New IXL has been assigned. It's due next Monday.

Scholastic book orders are due Friday.


Study these rules:

  A plural noun is MORE THAN ONE person, place, or thing.
·     To make most nouns plural, add an –s, -es, or –ies.
              Example: dogs, houses, cherries
·     Add an –es to nouns that end in -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, or -x.
              Example: churches, bushes,  buses, classes, boxes
   When a noun ends in a consonant and –y, change the –y to an –i and add –es.
              Example: body becomes bodies

Tenative Test Schedule

Wednesday: Grammar (exclamatory and Imperative sentences)
Friday: Reading (Boom Town) and Spelling

Weekly IXL: August 26

Math:  15 minutes
Any section in A. Numbers and Comparing

Language Arts (LA):  15 minutes
Any section in Section C  Author's Purpose.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Look what happens when we collaborate! Our tree is bursting with individuality and creativity, just like our Colts! 
Students and staff have been adding their handprints to the bare tree on our new library mural, with finishing touches by Administration, Father Ernie, and Deacon Joseph. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019


We are learning expanded form up to the hundred thousands place. It’s much more fun with colored pencils!!!

Close Read practice

We’ve been learning how to do a close read, which is reading and re-reading text for deeper comprehension by identifying not only main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary, but also uncovering the layers of meaning over the course of the text. I’ve modeled the process twice as we completed two non-fiction passages together.

Today, students worked with a partner to do their own close read while I worked with groups individually to observe their understanding.

Next step...independent work!

Thank you to Father Ernie and Deacon Joseph for taking an interest in our work.

Khan Academy: LearnStorm

Everyone is set up for LearnStorm!!!

User names and passwords are in your planners, so you may work in Khan Academy LearnStorm any time. Please start in 2nd grade to review skills -- I promise it will be challenging! Don't forget to watch the videos.

The link is also in the right hand column.


Religion - test

Grammar -- test

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Close Read

We’ve been working hard on learning how to do a close read.


Math - addition handout

Religion - study for test on Friday

Grammar - study for test on Friday over Declarative (statement) and Interrogative (questions) sentences.

** IXL is now due on Monday by 8am.

IXL Weekly Assignment UPDATE

Due date change!

Assignments will be made each MONDAY and are due the following MONDAY at 8am so that students will have the weekend to complete any work they did not finish during the week. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Weekly papers and conduct sheet signed

Start working on your 30 minutes of IXL that is due Friday.

If you did not finish your handwriting, you must complete it tonight.

***  Don't wait until the last minute to study for your tests on Friday or to do your IXL:

Religion - test on Friday. Chapter 1

Grammar - test over type of sentences on Friday.

Sentence Classification

We finished classifying four types of sentences today: exclamatory, imperative, declarative, and interrogative.

Mrs. Harmeier's website
