Thursday, July 30, 2020

3G Google Classroom, our virtual classroom, and the blog

3G Google Classroom:  (app)
An invitation has been sent to each students' school Gmail account. If for some reason you didn't receive the email, you can use our classroom code: 5acnf5x  

This code is for Google Classroom (there is a free app you can download). We will be using Classroom, especially if we ever have to move to virtual learning, which hopefully we won't. 

Classroom will have assignments and messages regarding lessons and work we're doing in class. This is a student account. Parents will not have access to it, except through their child's account. 
If your child is learning remotely, you will definitely need access to Classroom. 
This is my first year to use Classroom, so it's purpose may evolve as we move forward.

Next is our virtual classroom (Google Slide which is posted in Classroom and on the blog), which is where I have links to  resources that will reinforce our learning in 3rd grade. I'll update the white board every week or so. 

Classroom and the Virtual Classroom are private. 

And finally, we have the blog (web-based). I will post homework, reminders, pictures, videos, and resources here. This is public, so feel free to share it with family and friends. The blog is essentially your window into our classroom.

If you have any question, please email me at 


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