Thursday, March 7, 2019

Will the napkin stay dry?

Second graders are learning about states of matter and that matter occupies space. Today, I demonstrated how two types of matter can’t occupy the same space by conducting an experiment with a cup, bowl of water, and a napkin.

They are also learning about scientific inquiry, starting with asking a guiding question and forming a hypothesis.

I asked the students if they thought the napkin would stay dry if it was put in a cup and dunked in water, how they could dunk it so that it does stay dry, and what keeps it dry. We had lots of great critical thinking going on as each formed a hypothesis.

We also discussed that it’s ok for an experiment to fail. You just keep trying.

All three experiments failed, so try again. You just haven’t figured it out YET! REMEMBER: two types of mass can't occupy the same space.

HINTS: Think about HOW you dunk the cup. Think about the direction in which you dunk. Think about what would happen if you go in at an angle. Is it about speed?)

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