Monday, October 16, 2017

Weekly 3G Scholar Minute

Beginning this week, our classroom helpers have a new challenge. 

On Monday, the two helpers will begin collaborating on a video that they research, write, and video called the Weekly 3G Scholar Minute. It is due by Friday.

They will think of a really cool & interesting question to research: What are you curious about? What are you wondering? What problem can you solve? Next they will conduct research on the iPads to find the answer. After they find the answer, they will plan their video (How will you construct or explain the answer in an interesting way,? Will you use props?, Will you use music? Will you demonstrate an experiment?)  Then, they will make their one minute video using the iPad.  Finally, they will show it to the class on Friday.

Each completed video will be posted on the blog.  (This challenge is not graded. Students will be practicing certain skills: reading, researching, writing, collaboration, technical, creative, time management, problem-solving.)

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