Friday, September 30, 2016

Ty and Maddie Fundraiser due Monday

If you are participating and haven't already turned in your fundraising, please bring it on Monday...and don't forget to dress like a ROCK STAR!!!!

As extra incentive to participate, I'm offering the students a little something extra. If your child sells at least one item, he/she will be exempt from one 15 minute weekly IXL assignment (Math or LA).  If your child sells at least $25 worth of product, he/she will be exempt from both weekly assignments in IXL (total of 30 mins for one week). And if he/she sells at least $100, he/she will be exempt from ONE WEEK of HOMEWORK, excluding tests, of course. That will also include the weekly IXL assignment. (That's a nice break for us parents, too!)

Your child will also receive the incentives offered by Ty & Maddie.

I hope you'll consider being a part of the fundraiser for our FABULOUS SCHOOL so that we're at 100% participation!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Busy Day!

Today we Kahooted in Social Studies, started building the frames for our robot dogs (F.R.E.D.s - fire rescue emergency dogs), and since we were all finished writing and illustrating our original fables, we worked on our puppets for the skits.


SS - test over lessons 2 & 3
Math - estimating differences wkst

Don't forget to bring in your props for your skit. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Scholastic Book orders

I'm sending home Scholastic book order forms today. Our classroom earns points for learning tools, plus free books! I hope you'll consider ordering.

If you order on-line, please use code N94FK. Our classroom code is also on the front of the flyer. Here is the link:

You can order books from any of the catalogs, not just the ones I sent home. There are lots of $1 books and other bargains.

In the next few weeks we will be reading Key Hunters: The Mysterious Moonstone by Eric Luper, so the students will need a copy. It's a new series, so it's not yet available in the library. Scholastic has this book for sale at one of the lowest prices I've found, $3 (item #100X1) or you can buy the first two books in the series for $5 (item #45G1).  If you are unable to purchase a copy, please contact me.

Reading Stamina

Next week are going to begin working on reading stamina (how long we can read without stopping or taking a break). We will work on this at least 3 days per week. The reading sessions will be timed so that we can track our progress as a class (not individuals). 

For now, the students can read any book or magazine that they want. I'll remind the students to bring their book on Monday, or they can use a classroom book.

Starting in October, I will also require students to take at least one RQ quiz (during library or lab time). They can read and quiz on any books in the library, but the RQ quiz that I take a grade on  must be on at least a 3rd grade level.  I will take on grade, which will be the highest score of all their RQ quizzes for that month. The grade will be posted at the end of the month.

If you have any questions, please email.


English - test
Analogy worksheet

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Technology HW Night!

Religion - test (use the website as a resource)
Math - IXL D.1Subtract numbers up to three digits  (5 mins)
English - Capitalization review DD.5Capitalization: review  (5 mins)
Padlet - write a compound sentence. Use this link: or type directly in to the Padlet (click on the pink circle).

Monday, September 26, 2016

Congrats to our newest Coders

Our students have been working on coding in Computer class. Sophia and Mary Kate were the first coders to complete all their tasks. Way to go!

Tentative Test Schedule

Tuesday - Spelling test
Wed. - Religion
Thursday - English
Friday - SS

Weekly IXL Assignment

Math - Subtraction   (if you finish D.1 within 15 minutes, move on to D.2)
reportD.1Subtract numbers up to three digits

LA: Coordination Conjunctions
  1. reportBB.1Identify coordinating conjunctions
  2. reportBB.2Use coordinating conjunctions


CW due -- Spelling and handwriting
Spelling - test
Math - wksht (1 - 6 only)

Write paragraph about the importance of teamwork.
Latin - p. 2 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

PlusPortal User Name and Password

If you haven't given me your child's user name and password, please do so by tomorrow. I'm waiting to use it for some assignments, but next week we will need to move forward.

If you didn't receive the  message in your PlusPortal account, please email Mr. Green at

Thank you. :)

Aesop would be proud

We just finished reading "What About Me?" and "The Tortoise and the Hare." Now, students are working in teams to write an original fable. They began today by brainstorming and completing their planning sheet. Next they'll write the first draft. After they edit it, they'll rewrite a final draft and illustrate their story. Finally, they'll act out their fable, which we will video and post on the blog.

Stayed tuned...

Compound Sentences

 Compound Sentences have two simple sentences joined by a comma and a conjunction.
                            Remember: A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate.
Coordinating Conjunctions


                Simple sentence #1: My dog loves to play ball.
                Simple sentence #2: My cat loves to play with yarn.

                Compound sentence:  
                My dog loves to play ball, but my cat loves to play with yarn.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Math - test over chapter 2 (addition). Work on the following IXL:
10 minutes  on estimating sums 
P.5Estimate sums up to 1,000
reportP.6Estimate sum

Apology letter to Mr. Cooper for behavior in Music class. 

Designers at work

In Art class, the teams are working on their life-size sketches so that their rescue robot dogs will be to scale.


Math - addition worksheet
SS - finish writing vocab in spiral (6 words)

SS Quizlets are on the blog!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


English - test
Reading - test

Finish apology letter to Mr. Shea.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Party Planners!

In math, students are working in teams to cater a party for the class. Each team chose a menu from a local restaurant and is working with a $100 budget. Next they will determine the menu and total cost based on 13 students and the various prices on the menu. After finding the sum of their expenses, students will determine the difference in the budget and actual expenses.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Math - worksheet (find the sum of the problems in the acorns only)
Vocab - test. Be sure to visit the website to study.
CW due - spelling BGPB p. 13-16 and 3x each; handwriting p. 21 & 22

Wed: English and Reading tests

3G Special Duties at Mass on Sept. 24th

3G will have special duties at the mass on Friday. If your child is reading, he/she has the text he/she will be reading in his/her Take Home folder.

First Reading: Jake
Petitions: Cadence
Gift bearers: JT, Jonna, Conor, Sophia
Greeters: Brady, Ethan Ashley, Angelene
Prayer to St. Michael: Mary Kate

Weekly IXL assignment

Language Arts: 15 minutes
  1. reportE.1Which word is a noun?
  2. reportE.2Identify nouns
  3. reportE.3Identify common and proper nouns
  4. reportE.4Identify nouns – with abstract nouns
  5. reportF.1Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies
  6. reportF.2Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies
Math - 15 minutes
  1. C.6Add three numbers up to three digits each
  2. reportC.7Add three numbers up to three digits each: word problems
  3. reportC.8Addition patterns over increasing place values
  4. reportC.9Add two numbers with four or more digits
  5. reportC.10Addition input/output tables - four or more digits
  6. reportC.11Add two numbers with four or more digits - word problems

Grammar Treasure Hunt

What a fun day! (exclamative) This afternoon we went on a grammar treasure hunt with 3M. We followed (action verb) 12 grammar clues to help us reach the prize, which were delicious (adjective) Popsicles (proper noun) and gummy worms (common noun).

Did you notice our special guest? Isabella Stuart is coming back to SAS in October. She stopped by today to have lunch with her class and join the grammar hunt.

Thank you to all of our wonderful (adjective) parent volunteers.

Mrs. Harmeier's website
